

class trojanvision.attacks.InvisiblePoison(generator_mode='default', noise_coeff=0.35, train_generator_epochs=800, **kwargs)[source]

Invisible Poison Backdoor Attack proposed by Rui Ning from Old Dominion University in INFOCOM 2021.

Based on trojanvision.attacks.CleanLabelBackdoor, InvisiblePoison preprocesses the trigger by a generator (auto-encoder) to amplify its feature activation and make it invisible.

  • generator_mode (str) – Choose from ['default', 'resnet_comp', 'resnet'] Defaults to 'default'.

  • noise_coeff (float) – Minify rate of adversarial features. Defaults to 0.35.

  • train_generator_epochs (int) – Epochs of training generator (auto-encoder). Defaults to 10.

class trojanvision.attacks.Refool(candidate_num=100, rank_iter=16, refool_epochs=5, refool_lr=1e-3, refool_sample_percent=0.1, voc_root=None, efficient=False, **kwargs)[source]

Reflection Backdoor Attack (Refool) proposed by Yunfei Liu from Beihang University in ECCV 2020.

It inherits trojanvision.attacks.CleanLabelBackdoor.


  • Trigger size must be the same as image size.

  • Currently, mark_alpha is forced to be -1.0, which means to use mean of image and mark to blend them. It should be possible to set a manual mark_alpha instead.

The attack has 3 procedures:

  • Generate candidate_num reflect images from another public dataset (e.g., Pascal VOC) as trigger candidates.

    • Select a reflect class (e.g., 'cat') and a background class (e.g., 'person')

    • Find all images of those 2 classes that don’t have the object of the other class in them.

    • For image pairs from 2 classes, process and blend them using 'ghost effect' or 'focal blur'.

    • Calculate difference between blended image and reflect image.

    • Calculate structure similarity (SSIM) between blended image and background image by calling skimage.metrics.structural_similarity.

    • If the difference is relatively large enough, blended image is not very dark and SSIM is around (0.7, 0.85), current reflect image is added to candidates.

  • Rank candidate triggers by conducting tentative attack with multiple triggers injected together.

    • (Initialize, not repeated) Assign all candidate triggers with same sampling weights.

    • Sample certain amount (e.g., 40% in original code) of clean data from training set in target class.

    • Randomly attach a candidate trigger on each clean input according to their sampling weights.

    • Use the infected data as poison dataset to retrain a pretrained model with refool_epochs and refool_lr.

    • Evaluate attack succ rate of each used trigger as their new sampling weights.

    • Set sampling weights of all unused triggers to the median of used ones.

    • Reset the model as pretrained state.

    • Repeat the ranking process for rank_iter times.

  • Use the trigger with largest sampling weight for final attack (with 'dataset' train_mode).


There are differences between our implementation and original codes. I’ve consulted first author to clarify that current implementation of TrojanZoo should work.

  • Author’s code allows repeat during generating candidate reflect images.
    Our code has NO repeat.
  • Author’s code generates 160 (actually usually not reaching this number) candidate reflect images but requires 200 during attack, which causes more repeat.
    Our code generate candidate_num (100 as default) unique candidates.
  • Author’s code uses a very large refool_epochs (600), which causes too much clean accuracy drop and is very slow.
    Our code uses 5 as default.
  • Author’s code uses a very large refool_sample_percent (0.4), which causes too much clean accuracy drop.
    Our code uses 0.1 as default.
  • There should be a pretrained model that is reset at every ranking loop.
    However, the paper and original code don’t mention that.
    The author tells me that they load pretrained model from ImageNet.
  • There is no attack code provided by original author after ranking candidate reflect images.

There is also a conflict between codes and paper from original author.

  • Paper claims to use top-candidate_num selection at every ranking loop in Algorithm 1.
    Author’s code uses random sampling according to W as sampling weights.
    Our code follows author’s code.
  • candidate_num (int) – Number of candidate reflect images. Defaults to 100.

  • rank_iter (int) – Iteration to update sampling weights of candidate reflect images. Defaults to 16.

  • refool_epochs (int) – Retraining epochs during trigger ranking. Defaults to 5.

  • refool_lr (float) – Retraining learning rate during trigger ranking. Defaults to 1e-3.

  • refool_sample_percent (float) – Percentage of retraining samples by training set in target class during trigger ranking. Defaults to 0.1.

  • voc_root (str) – Path to Pascal VOC dataset. Defaults to '{data_dir}/image/voc'.

  • efficient (bool) – Whether to only use a subset (20%) to evaluate ASR during trigger ranking. Defaults to False.

  • reflect_imgs (torch.Tensor) – Candidate reflect images with shape (candidate_num, C, H, W).

  • train_mode (str) – Training mode to inject backdoor. Forced to be ‘dataset’. See detailed description in trojanvision.attacks.BadNet.

  • poison_set ( – Poison dataset (no clean data). It is None at initialization because the best trigger keeps unknown.

  • refool_sample_num (int) – Number of retraining samples from training set in target class during trigger ranking. refool_sample_percent * len(target_set)

  • target_set ( – Training set in target class.

add_mark(x, **kwargs)[source]

Add watermark to input tensor by calling trojanvision.attacks.BadNet.add_mark().

If mark_alpha <0, use mean of x and self.mark.mark as their weights.


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