You can configure different parts of the theme.
Project-wide Configuration¶
HTML Theme Options¶
The theme’s project-wide options are defined in the trojanzoo_sphinx_theme/theme.conf
file of this repository, and can be defined in your project’s
. For example:
html_theme_options = {
'collapse_navigation': False,
'sticky_navigation': True,
'navigation_depth': 4,
'includehidden': True,
'display_version': True,
'prev_next_buttons_location': bottom,
'style_external_links': False,
'github_url': '',
'home_url': /,
'collapsedSections': '',
'doc_items': '',
'logo': '',
'logo_dark': '',
'logo_icon': '',
The following options are available:
Base options¶
String. This will specify a canonical url to let search engines know they should give higher ranking to latest version of the docs. The url points to the root of the documentation and requires a trailing slash.display_version
Bool. With this disabled, the version number isn’t shown at the top of the sidebar.prev_next_buttons_location
String. can take the valuebottom
, orNone
and will display the “Next” and “Previous” buttons accordingly.style_external_links
Bool. Add an icon next to external links. Defaults toFalse
String. Changes how to view files when using display_github, display_gitlab, etc. When using Github or Gitlab this can be: blob (default), edit, or raw, on Bitbucket, this can be either: view (default) or edit.
TOC Options¶
These effect how we display the Table of Contents in the side bar. You can read more about them here:
Bool. With this enabled, you will lose the[+]
drop downs next to each section in the sidebar.sticky_navigation
Bool. This causes the sidebar to scroll with the main page content as you scroll the page.navigation_depth
Int. Indicate the max depth of the tree; by default, 4 levels are included; set it to -1 to allow unlimited depth.includehidden
Bool. Specifies if the sidebar includes toctrees marked with the:hidden:
Bool. If True, removes headers within a page from the sidebar.
Setting collapse_navigation
to False and using a high navigation_depth
can cause projects with many files and a deep file structure to generate HTML files
that are significantly larger in file size and much longer compilation times.
HTML Context Options¶
Page-level Configuration¶
Pages support metadata that changes how the theme renders. You can currently add the following:
This will force the “Edit on GitHub” to the configured URL:bitbucket_url:
This will force the “Edit on Bitbucket” to the configured URL:gitlab_url:
This will force the “Edit on GitLab” to the configured URL
How the Table of Contents builds¶
Currently the left menu will build based upon any toctree(s)
defined in your index.rst
It outputs 2 levels of depth, which should give your visitors a high level of access to your
docs. If no toctrees are set the theme reverts to sphinx’s usual local toctree.
It’s important to note that if you don’t follow the same styling for your rST headers across your documents, the toctree will misbuild, and the resulting menu might not show the correct depth when it renders.
Also note that by default the table of contents is set with includehidden=True
. This allows you
to set a hidden toc in your index file with the :hidden: property that will allow you
to build a toc without it rendering in your index.
By default, the navigation will “stick” to the screen as you scroll. However if your toc
is vertically too large, it will revert to static positioning. To disable the sticky nav
altogether change the setting in